Menstrual Cycle Tracking

Why Track Your Menstrual Cycle?

You’re unique. Surprise! Everyone’s different, including you. In fact, different is actually normal, and by identifying and tracking your unique pattern, you’ll better understand your body and how to work with it, instead of against it.

Did someone mention sex? No one feels romantic 24/7, but there are times when you seem to peak. No surprise here. It has to do with your cycle. Sex drive is highest during ovulation (about 14 days before your period), and with menstralert’s tracking tools, you’ll get a leg up on your sex drive.

Oh, baby! Whether you’re trying to conceive or taking steps to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, tracking your menstrual cycle will help you identify when you’re most fertile. Take fate out of the equation, and take control.

Dark clouds and blue skies. Your menstrual cycle can affect your mood. In most cases, dark clouds arrive right before your period, but then the sun breaks through during ovulation. This is generally when you feel most optimistic and affectionate. Tracking your period allows you to link emotional states to different stages of your cycle.

Forecasting the future. If you know ahead of time that your energy dips and your mood takes a downward turn days before your period, why not build your schedule around it? Major events and exciting opportunities to travel shouldn’t be a pain. Track it. Plan for it.

Monitoring your health. Your cycle is a good indicator of your overall health, and abnormalities in your cycle can signal potential issues, with heavy bleeding and extreme pain pointing to possible problems with your reproductive system, such as uterine fibroids.

All in all, tracking your period helps you to be armed with vital information about your menstrual health, and this information can be of immense value when you are planning your social life, talking to your doctor, and so on. Track your cycle and become the expert about you!

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