Using the calendar

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For instance, if you say the cycle is 28 +/- 1 day, then if it ends up being 27 every time (worst case), what would that skew things out a few months? I think it's one day per month, right? 6 months from now, the window is like 12 days total, right? Basically I'm saying the margin of error can accumulate over several months and end up wrecking a wedding, which would of course be your fault.

Can a period tracker track irregular periods?

Yes, a period tracker can track irregular periods. This is because app users log various data, such as the symptoms they experience during different stages of their cycle, how long the period lasts when it comes, and so on. This information can help bring some regularity to an irregular cycle because you learn what to look out for as that time approaches.

How accurate are period trackers for periods?

The accuracy of the tracker largely depends on how accurate the information you log about the attributes of your cycle. For example, if you accurately indicate that your cycle is 26 days, the tracker stands a high chance of accurately predicting your upcoming periods. The more accurate the data provided (symptoms, etc.), the higher the accuracy of the prediction. Of course changes in individuals, such as the onset of PID, can also throw predictions out of whack.

This is why the further out you want to predict your period, the wider the margin of error in the predictions of when you should expect your period.

How do I calculate the length of my cycle?

To know how many days your menstrual cycle lasts, count from the first day of bleeding to the day before you start bleeding the following month. Note down the number of days and repeat this for at least 3 months so you can be sure about the typical length of your period. This number is important, because the tracking app bases its calculations on that duration.

Why use an app and not Gmail or Outlook calendar?

A specialized app is designed to account for several nuances that affect the process of tracking your cycle. Generic tools lack this functionality, so the predictions you get from them are likely to be less accurate than those obtained from a cycle tracking app.

Should one track their girlfriend’s period?

Yes, because your significant other's cycle indirectly effect how you plan and arrange events. While being careful to acknowledge that the cycle is a normal part of one's life and certain parts of the cycle are to be dealt with, it may be more comfortable to avoid certain events during the first phase.

Pool parties, suprise parties, unplanned trips, can all add stress or just be uncomfortable during the Menstrual phase of the cycle.

Should I be concerned about my data?


While we do our absolute best to secure your data, no site/system is 100% safe.

If at any time you wish to know what we have stored about you, or if you simply wish to delete the data, you can visit your Menstralert Data & Privacy dashboard.

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